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Michael Singer: Living Untethered
"Michael A. Singer is the author of the New York Times bestsellers The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself, and The Surrender Experiment: My Journey into Lifes Perfection. His most recent book is Living Untethered: Beyond the Human Predicament. In 1971, while pursuing his doctoral work in economics, he experienced a deep inner awakening and went into seclusion to focus on yoga and meditat... posted on Feb 03 2023, 5,927 reads


#heartivism: Gently Shaking the World
Today's activism is often built around an either-or logic -- my way or your way, where one way necessarily loses; in our attempts to build a bridge here, we often burn a bridge elsewhere. Heartivism, however, invites us to act from that deeper channel within us, where we are first united by our universality before we are differentiated by our particularities. A heartivist is someone who responds t... posted on Feb 02 2023, 9,083 reads


The Art of Budo
"In my lifelong spiritual quest, I have read hundreds of sutras; plowed through pages and pages of philosophical texts; grappled with koan collections; analyzed thousands of poems; searched through biographies; meditated for hours; and interacted with many teachers, good and bad. However, I have gained the most from the contemplation, appreciation, and inspiration of the "ink tracings" of the grea... posted on Feb 01 2023, 1,872 reads


3 Steps to Build Peace & Create Change
"As the child of Holocaust survivors and a World War II refugee herself, peace builder Georgette Bennett was stunned by the human toll and tragedy of the Syrian civil war. She got to work, bringing together historical enemies to build an aid pipeline from Israel to Syria -- a feat many considered impossible, but has since helped millions. Through this inspiring story of unlikely partnership, Benne... posted on Jan 31 2023, 2,672 reads


Are You A Spectator or a Creator to Reality?
"Your brain constantly runs a model of your body as it moves through the world. You come to know that world only through your cochlea, retina, and the other sensory surfaces of your body. Their signals, along with those streaming from within your body, continuously confirm or correct the ongoing signals in your brain. The implication is a bit startling: You cannot experience the world, or even you... posted on Jan 30 2023, 1,972 reads


The Book of Vanishing Species
"If you were to take a teaspoon of water from the ocean and look at it under a microscope, you would see many shapes -- possibly millions, mostly translucent -- of varying sizes and colours. Little spheres, tubular bodies with drooping tendrils, circles within squares, squares within circles; triangles, rectangles; spiralling helixes, some bristly, some hooked, some frilled; oval wreaths, concerti... posted on Jan 29 2023, 1,514 reads


The Practice of Story Stewardship
"I'm going to start by acknowledging that I've been wrong about something for years. For two decades, I've said, "We need to understand emotion so we can recognize it in ourselves and others." Without exaggeration, I've said this thousands of times, and I've heard it from other researchers at least that much. Well, let me go on the record right now: I no longer believe that we can recognize emotio... posted on Jan 28 2023, 3,409 reads


The Unchosen One
Devon Michael was a child actor living in poverty when he auditioned for the part of Anakin Skywalker for the a Star Wars movie, The Phantom Menace. He saw this opportunity as his way out of poverty and he felt this might well be the most important thing he would ever do. In the aftermath he learned that he can tell his own story, as he does so rivetingly in this film. "It depends on how you tell ... posted on Jan 27 2023, 2,156 reads


Putting the Power of Law in People's Hands
What can you do when the wheels of justice don't turn fast enough? Or when they don't turn at all? Vivek Maru is working to transform the relationship between people and law, turning law from an abstraction or threat into something that everyone can understand, use and shape. Instead of relying solely on lawyers, Maru started a global network of community paralegals, or barefoot lawyers, who serve... posted on Jan 26 2023, 1,138 reads


Creativity & Leadership in Learning Communities
"Every living system occasionally encounters points of instability, at which some of its structures break down and new structures, or new forms of behavior, emerge. The spontaneous emergence of order -- of new structures and new forms of behavior--is one of the hallmarks of life. This phenomenon, often simply called emergence, has been recognized as the basis of development, learning, and evolutio... posted on Jan 25 2023, 1,198 reads


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One must endure without losing tenderness.
Che Guevara

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